
Showing posts from October, 2019


Benefits of eating guava: Guavas are an excellent source of  dietary fiber .Therefore, eating more guavas may aid healthy bowel movements and prevent constipation.Just one guava can provide 12% of your recommended daily intake of fiber. Additionally, guava leaf extract may benefit digestive health Many scientists believe that the high levels of antioxidants and vitamins in guava leaves may help protect your heart from damage by free radicals. Trusted So. The higher levels of  potassium  and soluble fiber in guavas are also thought to contribute to improved heart health. Additionally, guava leaf extract has been linked to lower blood pressure, a decrease in "bad" LDL cholesterol, and a rise in "good" HDL cholesterol. Trusted Sour. Since high blood pressure and high levels of LDL cholesterol are linked to higher risks of heart disease and stroke, taking guava leaf extract could lead to valuable benefits. What’s more, the fruit may have benefits for he

healthy food

 Benefits of eating healthy food: 1.Weight Loss or Maintenance Use fruit, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains to replace high-fat, high-calorie foods. Staying within your required calorie range is vital for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. The fiber in whole grains, fruits and vegetables help fill you up faster and keep you full longer than foods that are loaded with sugar. The longer you are satiated, the less likely you are to exceed your ideal calorie range. 2.Blood Sugar Control Sugary foods, such as white bread, fruit juice, soda and ice cream, cause a spike in blood sugar. While your body can handle occasional influxes of glucose, over time this can lead to insulin resistance, which can go on to become type 2 diabetes. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, oatmeal and brown rice, cause a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps regulate blood sugar. 3.Decreased Risk of Heart Disease Regularly consuming high-fat
                   How To Remain Healthy? GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP If you have trouble sleeping, try relaxation techniques such as  meditation  and  yoga . Or eat a small bedtime snack of foods shown to help shift the body and mind into sleep mode: whole grain cereal with milk, oatmeal, cherries, or chamomile tea. Darken your room more and turn your clock away from you. Write down worries or stressful thoughts to get them out of your head and onto the page. This will help you put them into perspective so you can quit worrying about them. EXERCISE DAILY Did you know that daily exercise can reduce all of the biomarkers of aging? This includes improving eyesight, normalizing blood pressure, improving lean muscle, lowering cholesterol, and  improving bone density . If you want to live well and live longer, you must exercise! Studies show that even ten minutes of exercise makes a difference — so do something! Crank the stereo and dance in your living room. Sign up for s